Montag, 13. September 2010

Bits and pieces of a Monday

I should definitely start playing with SuseStudio a bit more.
Surprisingly enough, browsing trough the appliances, there is nothing already done for a quick setup of a dummy Openais node. Indeed, in this case a simple build is not enough, but I guess this gives me something to play with this week.
Well see if I manage to banish procrastination for long enough and actually get this done.

A couple of more or less proper topics deserving an entry from themselves are in the pipeline, but due the time and being Monday, for today I'll keep it short and confused.
So, here you go with random bits and pieces of what I've been asked. Probably nothing worthy to be noted, but you never know..

Given a NFS mount on my [opensuse|SLES|SLED] provided by my $filer (you haven't heard me saying Netapp here... ) due to a firewall dropping UDP packets, I see failures all over the place.
Captain obvious suggests to move to TCP, but unfortunately, using "mount -o tcp" does not really help, because mountd is still going to use UDP. 

As if it wouldn't be enough, using RH all my traffic is going as expected thorough TCP. What's wrong?
Quick answer

The  tcp  option  is an alternative to specifying proto=tcp.  What you are missing is mountproto=tcp
Long answer
man nfs
/Using the mountproto mount option

On my Openais cluster I want to run several Dom-u resources but for whatever reason I don't want  automatic memory allocation.
I disabled it using the cluster GUI, but I still see changes in the amount of memory given to my Dom-u. What's wrong with me and with them?

With you, not sure, but with your cluster and Domu there is nothing wrong.
With the GUI, there was (this is currently fixed upstream, by the time you'll read this the answer will be make sure you are up to date!).
The problem was just a non valid value provided by the GUI, that would have let you choose between "True" and "False" while the resource agent was expecting a "0" in order to deactivate the feature.

I guess it is enough ranting for now, time to go back to my evening powered by Milky Oolong and Robochicken on the background.


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